SAN DIEGO, CA. September 3, 2024 - Beaches App now features exact locations of amenities across the beach.

Tired of looking all around the beach for a bike lock station? Rinse area? The restrooms? Open Beaches App from the beach and find all the amenities on the map.
What's New?
We now offer detailed maps of various beach facilities! No more wandering around when you urgently need to find a restroom or other amenities. Just open the app, check the map, and find exactly what you need with ease.
Want to Add Your Beach?
We’re a small team working hard to bring this feature to as many beaches as possible. If you want to see your favorite beach mapped sooner, you can help us speed up the process! Follow the instructions on the bottom of this page, send any amenities you can map, and we'll add them to our app. Let’s make every beach experience even better, together!
Don't Miss Our Merch Store!
Check out our awesome merch – it’s not just about looking good; every purchase helps us invest more in the Beaches App to bring you even more amazing features. Plus, we have a limited-time offer: use the coupon code BEACHMERCH10 to get 10% off on all items in the store, valid until the end of October 2024. Don’t miss out!
We hope you enjoy the new feature and take advantage of the merch offer. Thank you for being part of our community!
Instructions for mapping beach amenity locations
During your beach visit, when you find an amenity do the following
Take a couple of pictures of the amenity
Copy your exact location in a coordinates format using the built-in maps app
Send us the pictures, the name of the amenity, and the location to